Here’s a question: when a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound? Not if it lands on a pile of what bears do in the woods!
Sorry about that! But it’s International Day of Forests and World Poetry Day, so I’m taking poetic licence with an old proverb!
As Venus and Saturn link, it’s our creativity (no matter how silly) that can cement harmonious connections. Together, we can grow stronger, and flourish.
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.
March 21 – April 20
The Equinox is about restoring balance. Someone in your world has too much power. And someone else has too little. And although we used to think that having a ‘boss’ saved us from arguing over who had control, our perception of authority has changed. We’re wiser and more insightful. We understand that if people feel like they’ve got no voice, they’re much less likely to do their best. You might not be in the most powerful position right now. But if you speak out and share your concerns, you’ll create a shift that restores harmony.
Be ready for a special time as the Equinox brings transformation. Visit

It’s International Day of Forests and World Poetry Day, so I’m taking poetic licence with an old proverb!
April 21 – May 21
You’re more competent and capable than you think. Yet since you’ve only dipped a toe into the pool of your talents, you’re not appreciating all the gifts you’ve been blessed with. Which is why you’ve decided that you’re incapable of dealing with a sensitive situation. But what have you tried? Where do you think you’ve failed? Which avenues have you left unexplored? Under the Equinox’s influence, the power of your imagination is powerful. Picture yourself with the skills and insight to make a difference. Progress is possible.
The Equinox highlights dynamic changes. Your future has huge potential. Visit
May 22 – June 22
Since there are so many unresolved problems and unanswered questions, why do some people think they know all the answers? It’s because they feel vulnerable. That’s why they project such an ‘all-knowing’ exterior. We feel good when we know what’s going on. So if we pretend to know, it gives us the illusion of being OK. The danger is that we accept unnecessary limitations and don’t push ourselves from finding out what’s really going on. The Equinox brings an insight that changes your current plan. But that’s OK.
Wonderful opportunities arise as the Equinox energises your life. Enter code ‘DMFREE’ at
June 23 – July 23
We store our deepest hopes and visions in our hearts. Of course, visions need to exist in our minds too; our greatest dreams dwell somewhere in between these two realms. And we don’t have much control as we think over our imaginations. Although we know when we’re entertaining pure fantasy, we can be so entertained that we don’t notice we’re projecting a fantastical attitude onto an unsatisfactory reality. The Equinox brings a realisation. By altering your perception you’ll appreciate what’s really going on in your world.
Use the Equinox energy to create the change you wish for. Visit
July 24 – August 23
Suppose you work in the construction industry and your current task involves the demolition of a big building? You’ve prepared the area, placed the explosives in the correct position, and you’ve ignited the fuse. As the dust clears, you realise that it’s still standing. Aargh! That’s roughly where you are right now in regards to a challenge or an obstacle. But if you’re tempted to go over to work out what happened, don’t. Wait! The next gust of wind will blow the whole thing over! That’s what the Equinox energy is about to do.
How will the Equinox transform your life? There’s inspiring news when you visit

As Venus and Saturn link, it’s our creativity (no matter how silly) that can cement harmonious connections
August 24 – September 23
By nature, life is unpredictable. Things could always go pear-shaped. And there’s always a remote possibility of a disaster. But rather than dwelling on the negative, wouldn’t it make more sense to expect a time of calm contentment? The Equinox promises a series of serendipitous events that increase your confidence and enthusiasm. It’s time to think bigger (and more boldly) about your future plans. Like artists who describe their inspiration as coming from somewhere beyond themselves, you’re in a state of grace.
The Equinox brings powerful positive change! For great news about your future enter code ‘DMFREE’ at
September 24 – October 23
«Don’t judge, and you won’t be judged.» Hmmm… easier said than done! But making judgements is an essential part of life on planet Earth. A croissant? Or a pain au chocolat? From the foods we eat to the friends we keep, we’re constantly assessing and judging things (and each other). As a fair-minded Libran, who can see advantages and disadvantages in just about everything, you don’t find it easy to make judgements. Which is why decision-making can be challenging. Yet your instincts are finely honed. Trust them today.
The Equinox suggests good times are on the way. To find out more visit
October 24 – November 22
Since our world is full of contradictions, it’s no wonder we get confused. Here’s an example: they say the best things in life are free. But they also say that everything has its price. So what are we supposed to think? As always, the truth lies between the two extremes. Some of the best things in life are free. And some cost a fortune. There’s something you want, that would bring reassurance and comfort to your world. It’s an emotional quality (rather than anything purchasable). The Equinox is bringing a priceless gift your way.
Discover why this Equinox is so magical for you. Visit
November 23 – December 21
We all occasionally wonder why we’re here and what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives. Do we arrive on planet Earth with a special mission to carry out? And if we don’t succeed, what happens next? Since those are unanswerable questions, we just have to do our best. But what does that entail? Surely, it’s about knowing ourselves and acting honourably towards others? Ruled by visionary Jupiter, you have an innate understanding of your purpose. If you’re unsure about where you’re heading, follow your heart.
The Equinox offers the key to the future you dream of. For info you need, enter code ‘DMFREE’ at
December 22 – January 20
If a magic wand has run out of magic, it’s as useful as a twig. If your washing machine is broken, it just takes up space. It doesn’t take much to turn something useful into something futile. But the reverse is also true; it doesn’t take much to turn ‘not much’ into ‘something precious’. Yet when you’ve been trying (but failing) to make a change, you lose sight of the fact that it’s possible. The Equinox provides the energy and insight to overcome a mental block. It refires your determination. Keep going. Hopeful signs lie ahead.
Maximise the Equinox energy! For your latest forecasts visit:
January 21 – February 19
It’s easy to say something and start an argument. And if we’re not careful, a simple disagreement can escalate into a battle-like situation. We’re all capable of doing this. That’s why we need to be careful about what we say and who we say it to. What’s the point in fighting to get what you want when, if you stand back, and take time to find a more sensitive approach, you can get it? Use your perceptive skills today. If you decide to work collaboratively, you can negotiate a harmonious way towards your goal.
The Equinox brings positive change! Find out more! Visit
February 20 – March 20
How are you going to make the most of the Equinox energy? Rather than thinking about what ‘could have been’, or concerning yourself with what ‘might happen next’, suppose you focus on what’s happening right now? Try taking the most optimistic view of your current circumstances, and trusting in it. This is a cosmic invitation to reset, refocus and step forwards with hope and faith. If you make a gesture that reflects your belief in a more fulfilling future, and act as if good will come out of all that’s happening, it will.
The Equinox can transform your world. For valuable keys to the week enter code ‘DMFREE’ at