Home » As Putin threatens the West and world politics spirals out of control, expert reveals how you can rebuild civilisation after Nuclear war

As Putin threatens the West and world politics spirals out of control, expert reveals how you can rebuild civilisation after Nuclear war

by Marko Florentino

As Putin flexes his trigger finger over the nuclear button and the world’s political compass seems to be spinning out of control, you could be forgiven for thinking that the apocalypse is bearing down, teeth bared.

The Doomsday Clock has been moved forward to 89 seconds to midnight and Brits are scrambling to figure out how to survive the inevitable meltdown. Preppers are stocking up on food and nuclear bunkers are being flogged online to anyone desperate enough to dig up their lawn.

It comes after a spectacular bust-up between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky – with the American president accusing his counterpart of ‘gambling with World War III’ and at one point shoving the Ukraine leader.

But few have thought about what will happen next – when, huddled in your metal shield, the blasts have cooled and it’s time to face what’s left.

That is what Seva Batischev thought, as he sat isolated and desperate in the middle of the pandemic. An expert escape room designer, he lost his business as Covid spread, and looked for a solution.

He, fellow escape room magnate Timur Kadyrov and entrepreneur Artur Stelmakh came up with the ultimate guide to rebuilding civilisation – dubbed The Book – which comes with everything from guides to healing herbs and finding water to waste management, making beer and magic tricks.

Speaking to MailOnline, Seva said: ‘We realized that at some point we might have to rebuild civilization and be completely useless at it.

As the Doomsday Clock has been moved forward to 89 seconds to midnight Brits are scrambling to figure out how to survive the inevitable meltdown

As the Doomsday Clock has been moved forward to 89 seconds to midnight Brits are scrambling to figure out how to survive the inevitable meltdown

The Book comes with everything from guides to healing herbs and finding water to waste management, making beer and magic tricks

The Book comes with everything from guides to healing herbs and finding water to waste management, making beer and magic tricks

Seva Batischev expert escape room designer, he lost his business as Covid spread, and looked for a solution to the apocalypse

Seva Batischev expert escape room designer, he lost his business as Covid spread, and looked for a solution to the apocalypse

Timur Kadyrov

Artur Stelmakh

He, fellow escape room magnate Timur Kadyrov (left) and entrepreneur Artur Stelmakh (right) came up with the ultimate guide to rebuilding civilisation

‘We have a joke that the worse things are the better our level of sales – not that we are happy about it.’

Timur added: ‘I think after COVID, something really changed into people’s mind. They’re worried and yeah, I think our book is somehow the answer – how to calm you down a little bit, maybe not rationally. To hold something that keeps our most precious ideas.’

It has already sold north of 250,000 copies after the third most successful Kickstarter campaign of all time – with 180 topics covered in the 2.3kg epic.

And so, if the sky does turn black, here are their expert tips to restoring civilisation:

1. Gunpowder 

When returning from a apocalypse, you cannot be to wary. Because what good disaster movie is complete without adversity?

And while The Book carries instructions for everything from melee weapons to the modern day tank, no one can deny that a true essential in forging a path to civilisation is gunpowder. 

Seva said: ‘This is the very first illustration we made. When we were first discussing really important inventions, gunpowder came in our mind. 

‘It was a great push to our civilisation – I think in a good way. I think many people when they imagining how they can become a king, and gunpowder is like top three!

‘If you can invent gunpowder you can conquer everybody.’

While The Book carries instructions for everything from melee weapons to the modern day tank, no one can deny that a true essential in forging a path to civilisation is gunpowder

While The Book carries instructions for everything from melee weapons to the modern day tank, no one can deny that a true essential in forging a path to civilisation is gunpowder

2.  Metal casting

The key element of our current lives, metal run through our buildings, our cars and even our water bottles.

From modelling in wood to obtaining steel, the complex work of metal casting is a skill that took us from the Stone Age to the Iron Age to the Bronze age.

Explaining the process, they said: ‘When you learn how to use fire for more sophisticated tasks than simply roasting hunks of meat you’ll open the gateway to a whole range of useful new materials. 

‘And since large amounts of metals, such as iron and steel, are needed to restore civilisations you’ll need a smelter to be working around the clock.’

From modelling in wood to obtaining steel, the complex work of metal casting is a skill that took us from the Stone Age to the Iron Age to the Bronze age

From modelling in wood to obtaining steel, the complex work of metal casting is a skill that took us from the Stone Age to the Iron Age to the Bronze age

3. Water systems

When you really want to return to life there is one thing that really marks the difference between mankind and animals – a working toilet.

From hot water to a house’s entire heating system, the importance of the water systems that our coursing through our lives cannot be underestimated.

The creators said: ‘A good house is more than just foiur walls, sturdy doors and a reliable roof. The commode is, among other things, a place of contemplation, where we sit and solve the world’s most pressing problems.

‘So a warm and inviting washroom is a necessity in any civilised home. 

‘In this illustration you can also see another layer of our book. As you can see, there is small Easter egg in the left corner. It’s one rat and a few turtles – the Ninja Turtles!’

From hot water to a house's entire heating system, the importance of the water systems that our coursing through our lives cannot be underestimated

From hot water to a house’s entire heating system, the importance of the water systems that our coursing through our lives cannot be underestimated

4. Fungi

Fungi is interwebbed throughout our world – from the ground we walk on to the yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms making up our everyday life.

But it is less known how the humble fungi can be vital to our success – whether we ferment it, use it in our food and medicines or even in clothing or packaging.

They explained: ‘With fungi, there are so many different ways to cook, to make clothes from mushrooms. 

‘Legally, of course we can’t talk about it’s other uses, but at some point you can see the page goes a bit wild!’

It is less known how the humble fungi can be vital to our success - whether we ferment it, use it in our food and medicines or even in clothing or packaging

It is less known how the humble fungi can be vital to our success – whether we ferment it, use it in our food and medicines or even in clothing or packaging

5. Bicycles

We may take them for granted when we whip along country lanes but bicycles could be one of our greatest inventions of all time.

They’re not just amazing for travelling but the simple design can be adapted to make electricity, alongside a series of essential tasks.

Seva said: ‘This is very important – the bicycle is the symbol of progress for mankind. 

‘It’s very hard to improve but it was invented so long ago. It’s an example of the ideal invention.

‘By connecting two wheels to a solid frame and throwing on a chain and a couple of pedals, you’re left with a fun and efficient vehicle suitable for both transporting heavy cargo and carrying friends in tow.

‘Using the basic principles behind its design you can also come up with a variety of other helpful devices and even start generating electricity.’ 

We may take them for granted when we whip along country lanes but bicycles could be one of our greatest inventions of all time

We may take them for granted when we whip along country lanes but bicycles could be one of our greatest inventions of all time

6. Channeling aggression

If we don’t want to emerge from our bunkers into a world of war, we need to find less destructive ways of channeling our aggression.

So, the authors argue, football is a key and essential skill. 

They said: ‘By nature, sentient creatures are aggressive creatures. From an evolutionary standpoint this trait was necessary to ensure survival: satisfying needs, defending borders, dominating other species and conquering new territories.

‘One good tool for sublimating aggression is football. This team sport allows you to assert your superiority over your enemies not by shedding blood but by scoring goals. 

‘We think it’s sometimes even more important than the steam engine.’

If we don't want to emerge from our bunkers into a world of war, we need to find less destructive ways of channeling our aggression

If we don’t want to emerge from our bunkers into a world of war, we need to find less destructive ways of channeling our aggression

7. Drama

But not all of civilisation falls on our devices – how could we survive without anything to sate our thirst for art?

So, Seva and Timur argue, theatre is just as important to us as forging knives or refining oil.

They explained: ‘When we started to think about all of this, we understood that if you make a book just about technical inventions, and then trying to imagine this new world which will appear from this – it will be boring with only technical stuff. 

‘So after that, we added music, we added games, we added art and all other things about humans. 

‘There are no words in this chapter, only art, because at some point we realised that art is beauty without explanation. So we decided to remove all the words from the chapter.’

Seva and Timur argue theatre is just as important to us as forging knives or refining oil

Seva and Timur argue theatre is just as important to us as forging knives or refining oil

8. Festivals

And when you have completed your practical chores, it is essential that people can come together and find unity in celebration. 

To be a civilisation, you must return to a bonded group of people and escape a wild isolation. 

They said: ‘This is describing part of our background – we go to Burning Man festival every year. It’s important to have fun and praise the life around us. 

‘We deliberately put it at the end – you have built everything now you have to rest and have fun. You have to bring people together to restart civilisation.’

To be a civilisation, you must return to a bonded group of people and escape a wild isolation

To be a civilisation, you must return to a bonded group of people and escape a wild isolation

9. Martial arts

Martial arts have been found at the cornerstones of our civilisation – keeping societies together both by reckoning order and keeping peace.

The authors said: ‘Without a doubt the best battle is the one not fought. 

‘Unfortunately, no matter how strong your desire or earnest your efforts to keep the peace and resolve everything through negotiations, there is a high probability that not all the creatures you encounter throughout your travels may be friendly and diplomatic. 

‘At some point you’ll have to accept the possibility of physical force in the fight against evil. And it’s always better to be well prepared.

‘This also has some Easter eggs, for us geeks – on the page is a real combination in Mortal Kombat!’

Martial arts have been found at the cornerstones of our civilisation - keeping societies together both by reckoning order and keeping peace

Martial arts have been found at the cornerstones of our civilisation – keeping societies together both by reckoning order and keeping peace

10. Cyphers

But if these are too hard to keep in your head – there is one key lesson that the book can teach you.

Because beneath the ground somewhere across the world is a full text, revealing all 180 lessons and the full guide on how to return the world to civilisation.

All you have to do is crack the cypher. 

They said: ‘This took us many months to make it – it’s ciphers, but actually there is another layer in the book. 

‘They’re actually a quest where you can find a real treasure we have hidden in the earth. Only 10 people have managed to solve this, and we’ve sold more than 200,000 books. 

‘There’s one guy, he traveled to the country where the treasure is hidden and dug it out. It was a special edition of the book, with gold pages and a leather cover. It’s beautiful.’

  • The Book was created by Hungry Minds and can be bought here.
Beneath the ground somewhere across the world is a full text, revealing all 180 lessons and the full guide on how to return the world to civilisation

Beneath the ground somewhere across the world is a full text, revealing all 180 lessons and the full guide on how to return the world to civilisation

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