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Why does my pillow make my neck hurt?
‘Neck pain, a stiff neck and regular headaches could be the result of poor pillow support,’says Lisa Artis, Deputy CEO, The Sleep Charity. ‘Your head weighs between 4.5 and 5.5 kilos (10-12lbs), and your neck contains the spine’s seven smallest vertebrae, so it’s important to support it correctly.
‘The ideal pillow should hold your head in alignment in the same way as if you were standing upright with the correct posture. Too soft a pillow will allow the head to flop, curving the neck, while too hard a pillow will give you a crick in the neck. Too many pillows will mean your spine curves upwards, while if your pillow is too low or thin, your spine will curve downwards and cause a crease on the underside of the neck.’
What is a cervical pillow?
Sometimes referred to as an orthopaedic pillow, a cervical pillow is a type of pillow designed in a way that supports the neck as you sleep – to help align your neck and spine and reduce pain. It tends to come with a higher area to support the neck and a dip for the head.
Is side sleeping bad for neck pain?
‘It’s fine to sleep on your back or sides, but try to avoid sleeping on your tummy,’ says Lisa Artis. ‘If your neck is permanently twisted throughout the night, it puts strain on your neck.’
What pillow materials are best for neck pain?
Materials that retain their shape such as foam or memory foam that support you throughout the night can be a good option. ‘When your pillow has lost its ‘loft’ (height) and become lumpy, discoloured or misshapen you should replace it,’ says Lisa Artis.
Could my mattress be causing my neck pain?
‘If your mattress is sagging it will affect your sleep because your pelvis won’t be supported,’ says James Leinhart. ‘Your spine wants to be neutral and supported – and if you’re sinking into the mattress you’re not optimising your spine health and in turn it will affect your neck. There’s a simple way to check if your mattress needs replacing – sit on the edge of it and if it collapses by more than 50 per cent, it’s time for a new one.’