He joked that if there was a product against Covid from which you “take one shot” and get “lifetime immunity,” with side effects less than one in a million, and a 70 per cent take-up meaning “nobody in this society ever gets it again”, he would be “happy to look at it.”
As for looking crazy, the company he keeps allows modest room for manoeuvre. Joining him and Wakefield at the pinnacle of what she calls a “pyramid,” or “inner circle,” of the anti-vaccine movement, is an osteopathic doctor, Sherri Tenpenny.
Dr Tenpenny has said Covid vaccines were devised to create “transhumanoids” capable of being controlled through a “quantum entanglement.” She believes the shots will kill “much more” than 50 million Americans and has long been worried that a “metal piece” inside can render those injected magnetic.
She admits her medical board thinks she should see a psychiatrist. But Mr Kennedy, again, isn’t fazed. While anyone else might have left the room backwards, he calls her “one of the great leaders of this movement”.
Many interesting characters circle around him. Too many to painlessly detail. On the next ring in orbit is a New York journalist, Celia Farber, 57, a key source and advisor for a recent Kennedy best-seller, who has spent more than 35 years denying the settled science that HIV causes AIDS.
“I am a conspiracy theorist, and an anti-vaxxer, and an HIV denier,” Ms Farber brags without irony on her Facebook page, sprinkled with abuse of Jews. There’s George Soros (“Satanic…” A Nazi”), David Rockefeller (“All we need is the right major crisis”) and, as what she identifies as “the source of Trump loathing,” a “download from the Rothschild bankers”.
Here are voices to which Mr Kennedy listens. “I got a call last night from Bobby Kennedy,” says Dr Tenpenny online, tipping viewers as to who called whom. “Just got off the phone with Robert F. Kennedy Jr who called,” Ms Farber tells Facebook, more formally.
Some wonder if such associates stir murmurings from his childhood. Was a second shooter present on the grassy knoll when Bobby was nine and his uncle was gunned down in Dallas? And, five years later, was his father’s killer, who was himself killed, an agent of some deep state plot?
“I’m a trial lawyer,” he told The New Yorker’s editor a few weeks ago. “I can guarantee you, looking at this case, that I could prove that my uncle’s death was caused by the CIA. I have enough evidence right now, without any deposition, to prove that my uncle’s death was the result of a conspiracy.”