Alexei Navalny‘s death is a test of American will and resolve.
So far, we are failing miserably.
Look no further than Tucker Carlson. Fresh from his disgraceful ‘interview’ with Vladimir Putin — a visibly cowed Carlson serving as lapdog rather than seasoned journalist — the former Fox News darling went on Glenn Beck’s show, laughing about Navalny and, yet again, defending the monster that is Putin.
‘People who say Putin killed [Navalny] are idiots’, Carlson said.
So world leaders of democracies, from Germany to Israel, to Great Britain and the United States — to name a few — are all idiots, per one Tucker Carlson.
He also framed justifiable outrage over Navalny’s death as purely a concern of the left, then guffawed at the notion that he, as a very important person thousands of miles from home, should have known or cared what happened to Russia‘s most famous political prisoner.
A prisoner who died one week after Carlson sat down in Russia with Putin.

Fresh from his disgraceful ‘interview’ with Vladimir Putin, former Fox News darling Tucker Carlson went on Glenn Beck’s show, laughing about Navalny and, yet again, defending the monster that is Putin.
You can’t claim to be a star commentator, analyst and interviewer — the best of the best — while also making excuses for not knowing or caring about one of the biggest, most consequential stories developing.
But Carlson is trying — despite exclusively giving a contradictory statement the very day Navalny died.
‘It’s horrifying what happened to Navalny,’ he said on Friday. ‘The whole thing is barbaric and awful. No decent person would defend it.’
Yet in a display of spectacular indecency, Carlson did just that on Beck’s show — these two former network news stars and self-proclaimed champions of free speech reduced to basement-dwelling conspiracy theorists, defending and minimizing Putin’s murderous regime.
‘The one thing [the left] is really good at is occupying the moral high ground in an unjustified way’, Carlson told Beck.
Moral high ground? I’m sorry: Isn’t indignation at the death of Navalny apolitical? Whether you’re left, right or center, what befell Navalny is not simply an affront to democracy everywhere — it’s a warning shot.
But here were Carlson and Beck laughing it up and making the absurd equivalence of Navalny’s martyrdom to — wait for it — what’s happening to Donald Trump.
Beck to Carlson: ‘While the left has a problem with [the death of] Navalny… they don’t see the connection on what we’re doing here [in the US], what we’re doing with Donald Trump’.
Trump thinks so too.
Aside from praising Putin in the past as ‘savvy’ and ‘genius’ — and this was in response to his invasion of Ukraine — Trump finally addressed Navalny’s death at a Fox News town hall Tuesday night.
Grotesquely, he made a comparison with the recent $355 million ruling against him in New York.
‘It is a form of Navalny,’ Trump said. ‘It is a form of communism or fascism’.
Tell that to Navalny’s widow, who still doesn’t have his remains — if she ever will.
President Biden is no better. If ever there was a hinge moment for the GOP and Democrats to dump their respective nominees, this is it.

Aside from praising Putin in the past as ‘savvy’ and ‘genius’, Trump finally addressed Navalny’s death at a Fox News town hall Tuesday night. Grotesquely, he made a comparison with the recent $355 million ruling against him in New York.

President Biden is no better. If ever there was a hinge moment for the GOP and Democrats to dump their respective nominees, this is it.
Just days after Navalny’s death, the arrest and brutal detainment of a 32-year-old dual Russian-American ballerina, announced on Tuesday, is Putin’s latest provocation.
Ksenia Karelina, whose social media is full of American pride — pirouetting on the Brooklyn Bridge, beaming at Rockefeller Center, proudly holding her citizenship papers in front of two American flags — was initially taken on charges of swearing outside a movie theatre in the southern city of Yekaterinburg.
For this offense, Karelina was blindfolded and filmed being cuffed, marched down flights of stairs into what passes for a Russian court of law.
This young woman, married to an American citizen, now faces 20 years to life in jail. For swearing in public. An additional charge of donating $51.80 to a Ukrainian charity has been added.
Putin is laughing at us. He is stealing American lives with sadistic ruthlessness, secure in the belief that America will do nothing.
After all, when President Biden met with Putin in Geneva nearly three years ago, he warned of ‘devastating consequences’ should Navalny die in prison.
As to those consequences? The world is still waiting.
And as for Karelina?
The media quickly learned more than the Biden White House.
Karelina’s friend and boss Isabella Koretz told the Mail that she has been jailed for seven weeks, was arrested as soon as she deplaned on January 2 — on a trip to visit her parents and little sister — and was then interrogated ‘for thirteen hours’ before being thrown in a freezing cell with two other women.
Koretz said that she and Karelina’s supporters have been in contact with the US Embassy, which has been of zero help.
‘They said off the books that they are aware of the case, but they told us that they don’t have anybody to trade her with’, Koretz said.
‘We’re trying’ was the message from the White House on Tuesday morning — only after the press pushed on kidnapped Karelina’s status.
Try harder. Biden has yet to make any public statement.
And so it is – yet another alarming example of his administration being asleep at the wheel.
The inevitable death of Navalny. The snatching of US citizens. Retaliation for these gravest of offenses should have been on Biden’s desk ready to go.

Just days after Navalny’s death, the arrest and brutal detainment of 32-year-old dual Russian-American ballerina Ksenia Karelina, announced on Tuesday, is Putin’s latest provocation.

Putin is laughing at us. He is stealing American lives with sadistic ruthlessness, secure in the belief that America will do nothing.

‘We’re trying’ was the message from the White House on Tuesday morning – only after the press pushed on kidnapped Karelina’s status. Try harder. Biden has yet to make any public statement.
Alas, our slumbering president’s slow-motion responses echo then-President Obama’s warning of a ‘red line’ should Syria’s Bashar al-Assad use chemical weapons on his own people.
In 2013, Assad went ahead, and Obama did nothing.
One year later, Obama warned Putin ‘there will be costs’ if he made any move to invade Ukraine.
‘You could hear the laughter emanating from the Kremlin’, wrote Marc Thiessen, former speechwriter to George W. Bush. ‘»Costs?» Vladmir Putin must have thought. Just like the «costs» Obama imposed on the Assad regime in Syria?’
Now Putin is dealing with Obama’s former VP, one whose senility is so pronounced that even prominent Dems and the New York Times are sounding the alarm.
It is not speculation, but fact, to say that Putin looks to our President and fears nothing.
Returning to that other stain on our national reputation – the Kremlin’s useful idiot Tucker Carlon – Karelina was arrested on the very same day that Putin gave Carlson his interview.
And, it’s worth adding, in the very same city from which Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, now 32, was taken.
Yet in Moscow, Carlson filmed himself in a supermarket and marveled at prices, proclaiming the experience superior to American markets — you know, our Whole Foods and spacious suburban grocery stores and our economic safety nets for the poor.
It was so awe-inspiring, in fact, that Carlson said it had turned him against US leadership.
‘Coming to a Russian grocery store – the heart of evil – and seeing what things cost and how people live, it will radicalize you against our leaders,’ Carlson said. ‘That’s how I feel, anyway – radicalized.’
This was after Carlson’s mortifying two-hour sit-down with Putin – during which Carlson looked totally lost and, frankly, afraid at points.
Even Putin was underwhelmed.
‘To be honest, I thought that he would behave aggressively and ask so-called ‘sharp’ questions,’ Putin told state-run TV. ‘Frankly, I did not get full satisfaction from this interview’.
Not since Jimmy Carter has America looked so weak on the world stage, so feeble, so cowed by authoritarian regimes.
And not since Joe Kennedy Sr., as ambassador to the UK, expressed sympathies toward Adolf Hitler have we seen such treasonous cozying-up to homicidal strongmen.

Not since Jimmy Carter has America looked so weak on the world stage, so feeble, so cowed by authoritarian regimes. And not since Joe Kennedy Sr., as ambassador to the UK, expressed sympathies toward Adolf Hitler have we seen such treasonous cozying-up to homicidal strongmen.
Biden is beyond ineffective – and our enemies know it.
Trump is just as bad.
Yet, as we all too painfully know, he seems a lock for the Republican nomination.
This despite not just a cognitive decline almost as noteworthy Biden’s but – more consequentially — his dangerous isolationism.
It’s been said before that America deserves better than this terrible twosome.
We deserve better than the insane rantings of Carlson and his ilk, defaming Navalny’s ultimate sacrifice while defending his murderer.
But Putin’s actions have made it clear that we now need better – before things get irrevocably worse.
Navalny himself knew it. In a letter just two months before his death, he decried the sad state of US politics.
‘Please name one current politician you admire’, he wrote, warning of a Trump-Biden rematch.
A second Trump presidential term, he said, would be ‘really scary’ and Biden, at such an advanced age, was putting America at risk by running again.
‘Trump will become president’ if Biden’s health declines, he wrote. ‘Doesn’t this obvious thing concern the Democrats?’
Neither Trump nor Biden should be nominated.
The only question is: Will either party have the guts to finally admit it?