Few meals are as restorative as a steaming-hot bowl of pho — the Vietnamese noodle soup that many claim is their go-to remedy for nursing a hangover, fending off a cold or simply warming up on a chilly day. Its aromatic broth, meticulously simmered for hours to extract deep, complex flavors, is pure comfort in a bowl, complemented by tender meat, fresh herbs and rice noodles. As Vietnam’s national dish, it’s a cornerstone of Southeast Asian cuisine, and thanks to Southern California’s thriving Vietnamese community, it’s a staple across Los Angeles too.
Nourishing and fortifying, pho has earned its place as a dish that feeds both body and spirit. Whether you’re in the mood for the lighter, simpler Northern-style pho, with its clean, delicate broth and minimal garnishes, or the richer, sweeter Southern pho, packed with robust flavors and generous toppings, Los Angeles has a pho spot for every craving. From the San Gabriel Valley to the Westside, we’ve rounded up 11 must-visit restaurants for the ultimate way to kick off 2025 — one satisfying slurp at a time. Note that we’ll be presenting a guide to pho-dense Westminster and Long Beach in the coming months.