Why Did Telegram’s CEO Durov Have a Target on His Back?
Why Did Telegram’s CEO Durov Have a Target on His Back?
Sputnik International
Why did Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov have a target on his back?
pavel durov
larry johnson
tucker carlson
freedom of speech
Pavel Durov faces multiple charges relating to the encrypted platform’s lack of moderation, according to French media reports. Authorities claim this implicates the Russian-born IT entrepreneur and co-founder of the Telegram social network in the sharing of content related to terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. Accused of failing to cooperate with French police, the billionaire who has French and United Arab Emirates citizenship is believed to be facing a 20-year jail term.The US government wanted to get its hands on Telegram’s code to infiltrate the system and spy on its users, Durov speculated back in an April interview with ex-Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson. The entrepreneur claimed that he had been pressured to allow a «backdoor» in the app for Western intelligence, but he refused, maintaining that Telegram should not be a “player in geopolitics.”Why did Durov have a target on his back?The Telegram team issued a statement on Sunday that it was unjustified to blame the platform or its owners for any abuses that may have taken place on it.“It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” the statement published on the official Telegram channel said. It added that Telegram abides by EU laws, including the Digital Services Act — its moderation is within industry standards.
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pavel durov arrested in france, durov’s arrest, telegram founder, encrypted telegram app, why did france arrest durov, us intel agencies sought to create backdoor in telegram, freedom of speech, freedom of press, censorship of social media, pavel durov’s interview with tucker carlson, fbi’s purported attempt to recruit a telegram engineer, telegram crackdown, telegram founder arrest, pavel durov arrest, western free speech crackdown, western suppression, durov arrested, telegram founder, telegram ceo, toncoin falls, toncoin destroyed, durov carlson interview
Pavel Durov, the Russian-born co-founder of the Telegram encrypted messaging app, was arrested at Paris’s Bourget airport where his private jet touched down on Saturday. The tycoon is accused of ostensibly enabling criminal activities through insufficient moderation of the platform, and is to appear in court as a French citizen.
Why did Durov have a target on his back?
Just business? Arrest of Telegram CEO possibly meant to elbow out WhatsApp competitor
Though Pavel Durov’s arrest in France is first and foremost a “political action,” it is also an “economic action,” said Valentin Makarov, president of the Russoft association.
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The Telegram team issued a statement on Sunday that it was unjustified to blame the platform or its owners for any abuses that may have taken place on it.