EU leaders, most of them “preselected by the Bilderberg and US globalist elites,” will obey the United States’ wishes, says Hong Kong-based political and financial analyst Angelo Giuliano.
US President Donald Trump’s strategy in dealing with the EU is a mixture of both maximum pressure and bluff, as he ultimately wants to “disengage” from Europe and “shift its [the US’] attention and resources towards China as soon as possible.”
“That’s about a disengagement of the US from Europe and probably shifting troops towards South East Asia.”
Since not all of the Washington’s allies in Europe are “completely all the way US vassal states,” Trump’s actions will cause tensions. The EU leaders, however, would only seek to make it less obvious that they are “ultimately obeying the US.”
“I would say probably in a short term, there will be backlash, tensions, but ultimately they will go along.”
Meanwhile, Singaporean Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen noted that the United States’ image has now “changed from liberator to great disruptor to a landlord seeking rent.”